PPMS stands for Pro-active Project Management System, and I would like to introduce it as a visualized preemptive construction project management solution.
A solution that digitizes, visual, quantitative, and efficiently manages vast amounts of construction information. In particular, we support preemptive response due to delay in land compensation by linking the functions of managing the process.

The PMS consists largely of submodule watchers and managers. PMS Watcher provides project viewer function for all users. Based on visualized data provided through cloud servers. And the PMS manager provides data and factory management functions. It serves as a digital transformation (digital transformation) for data to be delivered to cloud servers.
Through PMS, work items that have not been visualized can be displayed on the map, and various tasks such as complaints that need to be made before work can be immediately checked, and the screen can be divided to compare and manage differently distributed field data.
In addition, data generated from big data can help the construction business to proceed more effectively, such as providing optimized paths or analyzing where the most dangerous areas are in case of rain.